6 Amazing All Natural Tricks For Longer Eyelashes

all natural lashes

Six amazing all natural tricks for longer eyelashes

It’s been said that the eyes are a window into the soul. There is no better way to enhance the beauty of the eye than having them surrounded by thick and healthy lashes. Some people have been naturally blessed with gorgeous natural eyelashes.

But, what about the rest of us? Well, if Mother Nature passed you over for amazing eyelashes there are still many things to do to correct what nature might have missed. There are several ways to gain longer healthy lashes with just a bit of time and effort.
So, if you’re looking to correct problem lashes read on to learn six amazing tricks to make your lashes look fuller in no time.

First, it’s important to understand that there is no quick magic solution to gain longer eyelashes without effort. Having great eyelashes is a process that needs time to work from the inside out which means a healthy body provides great ground for having strong pretty eyelashes. Consider that building strong healthy lashes hinges on several factors such as:

  • Age
  • Medical conditions
  • Eye problems like infections
  • Genetics
  • Improper make-up removal

Improper make-up removal is a key factor in eyelash loss making it important that if you wear makeup, remove it properly each night to maintain strong eyelashes. Remember there aren’t fast remedies to creating great eyelashes. It takes time and effort paired with guesswork to find the best technique for you.

Let’s look at the following great remedies to start you on the path to longer lashes in no time.

One: Use olive oil

If you’re looking for stronger lashes then you can’t go wrong with Olive oil. This natural wonder oil rich in Vitamin E not only works to improve health from the inside out, it’s a great oil to increase lash volume while also managing to maintain eyelash color. To gain the benefits of olive oil for your lashes, begin at bedtime by dipping a clean q-tip in olive oil and move across your closed eye from the inner eyelid outwards dabbing the oil across your lashes.

The following morning make sure to wash the oil off with warm water. Be aware that using this remedy can take some time to take hold, so be patient because the results are worth it.

Two: Can’t go wrong with an eyelash brush

This next little gem on our list of ways to gain longer amazing eyelashes involves a small bit of equipment and that’s your friendly neighborhood, soft-bristle eyelash brush.
Using an eyelash brush to increase the depth of eyelashes works for two reasons:

  • It removes clogged dirt on the lash
  • It increases blood flow to help needed nutrients reach the eye

Vitamin E oil is your friend during this process. So dab a little of the oil on your eyelash brush. Then using upward strokes brush your lashes for five minutes to see great results.

Three: Yummy Lavender oil

You’ll love this great tip for gaining longer lashes by using Lavender oil to get a fuller lash. Lavender oil, an essential oil known for its ability to reduce the effects of free radicals on hair also encourages hair growth. Mixing it with Coconut oil increases its benefit by providing greater disease-fighting power.

So, mix small amounts of the oils together and then using a cotton q-tip apply the mix along eyelashes from root to end. This is best done before bedtime with removal with warm water during your morning routine to gain the best benefit.

Four: Grow them with Citrus

Citrus has been hailed for its well-documented health benefits. The juice from citrus products fights off infections. However, you should also know that the peels from fruits such as oranges and lemons are rich in the following:

Vitamin C
Vitamin B
Folic acid

These nutrients encourage and promote healthy eyelash growth. So, saddle up to gain the benefit of these peels for your eyelashes by doing the following:

Use one tablespoon of partly dried citrus peels and mix with olive oil in a container, then set aside for a week. Next, as part of your bedtime routine using a clean dry mascara stick, apply the citrus oil mixture onto eyelashes and leave on overnight. Wash the mix off using lukewarm water and you should begin to see results in about six weeks.

Five: Make delightful natural mascara

If store bought mascara isn’t for you in your quest for longer fuller eyelashes, don’t fret you aren’t alone. Store bought mascara can hard to remove and can irritate the eye causing eye problems. If these issues worry you, you’ll be thrilled to discover that you can, in fact, make your own natural mascara that is just as good, if not better to mass market mascara.

You’ll need to invest in a few things to create your own mascara:

  • A clean mascara container
  • Clean mascara comb
  • Coconut oil
  • Aloe Vera gel
  • Beeswax pellets
  • Activated charcoal

Mix together small amounts of coconut oil, aloe and bee’s wax pellet in a small saucepan over low heat and mix until the wax melts into an oil mixture. Set aside to open the activated charcoal, then pour charcoal into the oil mix. You’ll need to get a small plastic bag that you can open at one tip to pour the charcoal mixture into your mascara container.

And ‘pesto chango!’ you have your own natural mascara.

Six: Green tea massage

Green tea isn’t just for drinking, this lovely Asian tea has long been touted for its health benefits. But, Green tea is also a great remedy for growing healthier lashes due to its caffeine and mixing it up with an eye message just increases the eyelash health benefits. So here’s a great Green tea eye massage that will give you longer eyelashes in no time.

Begin by heating up Green tea and allow to cool. Using a cotton swab, dab the cooled tea onto eyelashes and allow to dry. Next, work to encourage the growth of eyelashes by lightly massaging your eyelids.

But, be sure not to rub too hard or you could remove the green tea compress on the lashes.

Remember when working with your eyelashes, treat them gently. Avoid rubbing eyes too hard or removing make-up roughly. Because of their delicate nature, your eyelashes can’t and shouldn’t be treated poorly.

Following these effective steps will start you on your way to amazingly beautiful lashes. Plus a proper routine over time will help you create eyelashes you’ve always hoped for. So, create your own path and you’ll be well on your way to having amazing healthy lashes.



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